PG Model Agency Script

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Choose warranty package

We understand that sometimes it may happen so that due to accidental mistakes made when you or your developer apply customizations to the product code or due to some other third-party-initiated changes in the product, the original software code may be affected, which may result in software errors or other malfunctions which are not covered by our free technical support and are rectified on a per-hour payable basis.

And now, for such cases, we introduce additional Product Warranty which specifically covers such incidents and enables you to request technical assistance from us and get the site back to its original functionality, no matter how long it may take us to do it!

Secure yourself against unexpected troubles and extra repair costs by getting an extended warranty at a fixed cost now!

Additional Warranty remains in force during 1 year and is not refundable, unused incidents are not transferrable to another year.

Total: $0
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